This script is used to test if the monitoring process is working right. You populate the table with the script, and then run the monitoring process. That process should show that the table was loaded with new records since the last run.
--set the range for where you want the final number of records to fall.DECLARE @random INT;DECLARE @upper INT;DECLARE @lower INT;SET @lower =1---- The lowest random numberSET @upper =20---- The highest random numberSELECT @random = ROUND(((@upper - @lower -1) * RAND() + @lower), 0)--This is an example using adventure works. Create an insert statement for whatever fact table you would like to load.DECLARE @counter smallint;SET @counter =1;WHILE @counter < @random BEGIN INSERT INTO [AdventureWorksDW2012].[dbo].[FactFinance]([DateKey], [OrganizationKey], [DepartmentGroupKey], [ScenarioKey], [AccountKey], [Amount], [Date]) SELECT 20050701, 5, 7, 1, 21, 4358, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP SET @counter = @counter +1 END;GO