Sure. You COULD write a bunch of loops and process files one at a time. Sometimes it is more efficient to create one file especially if you have a bunch of downstream processes that also operate on that data.
In that scenario, it is better to write one loop that combines all the CSVs into one big file. That way, no more loops have to be written.
import shutil
import glob
import os
root_directory = #populated from configuration
app_directory = #populated from configuration
source_directory = #as specified
target_directory = #as specified
output_file_name = 'YourFileName.csv'
source_path = os.path.join(root_directory, app_directory, source_directory)
target_path = os.path.join(root_directory, app_directory, target_directory, output_file_name)
#change file extention if necessary
source_files = glob.glob(source_path + '*.csv')
with open(target_path, 'wb') as outfile:
for i, fname in enumerate(source_files):
with open(fname, 'rb') as infile:
if i != 0:
infile.readline() # Throw away header on all but first file
shutil.copyfileobj(infile, outfile) # Block copy rest of file from input to output without parsing
# clean input directory
for i, fname in enumerate(source_files):